My Baby is Sick: Keeping Good Sleep Habits Despite the Snotty Nose
My little one has been sick this week -- and that means I have too, because what's hers is mine and whats mine is hers (my fork, my toothbrush, my water bottle -- all interchangeable). I can remember when she was younger and I was always petrified of her getting sick because it meant our nights (and days) would be worse then they already were (and oh, they were bad!)

Toddlers: Can't live with them, can't live without them.
My daughter just turned two on the weekend. Two. Such a fun age. She is "talking" a mile a minute -- picking up on everything (good or bad) that I say. She is showing preference over which toys she wants to play with (Barbie is her go-to right now) and which foods she wants to eat (this week she wants red peppers and cake -- it's all about the balance, right?). I truly am blessed to watch this tiny little person grow into her great big personality.